Live Interview with Mike Lindstrom
Patrick Antrim and Mike Lindstrom discuss happiness and the impact not only in your personal life, but also your work life.
- Multifamily Industry
- $1.3 trillion contributor to our economy
- Multifamily Leadership Summit in December
Mike Lindstrom – Author, speaker, Trained in the psychology of influence. Worked directly with Tony Robbins
- Happiness as an outcome
- Choice component
- Multifamily Industry is significant – high task and relationship driven
- Legislative issues require some rigidity, but there is also a human relationship component
- Feel better as a winner – “You can’t give away what you don’t have.”
- People struggle with themselves and/or money
- Understanding those 2 things can change the entire customer experience
- “What’s Your Story” – authored by Mike Lindstrom
- Book geared toward fathers
- How to phrase questions to elicit more thorough responses
- Can relate to business – phrase questions to strengthen the client relationship
Experience with Tony Robbins
- Entrepreneur group
- There to learn and move on
- Loyal group
- Stay with Robbins for the long haul
Elements of Psychology
- There’s no such thing as an excuse
- Everything taught by Robbins could be used in other areas of life and business
Leading Teams / Happiness
- Coaching leaders who deal with many different employees
- 50% of your ability to be happy is genetic – straight from mom and dad
- 50% of your ability to be happy is a choice – family, friends, home, work life, etc.
- Some people’s happiness setpoint may be much lower than others
- Extrinsic Happiness: Things outside of yourself – car, job, money, etc. These only create temporary happiness.
- Intrinsic Happiness: Things inside – gratitude, meditation, prayer, family, connection with community, giving back, etc. These create long-term happiness.
- Not only your neighborhood but also social media – online groups, book groups
- Communication is key
- No different in business than in personal relationships
- It all comes down to communication
People want to tell their story
- Ask questions
- Be the change
- Clients should be excited to see your name on the caller ID – take the time to ask the questions
- Do it for “No Good Reason”
- Practice communication/gratitude once a month with your community (could be work, geographical, etc.) to collapse the distance
- Only takes 90 seconds
- 50% of happiness is genetic
- 40% is intentional behavior
- 10% is your general life circumstance
You can control your Intentional Behavior and your General Life Circumstance!
Cell Phone / Media
- Do not turn on your phone or the news in the morning until you’re ready
- Choose which news outlets you watch – keep it positive, guard your happiness
- Start your day happy, stay happy
Intrinsic Happiness
- Practice gratitude
- Focus on family, friends, positivity in your life
- Create connections with family, friends, co-workers, clients
Batch Activities
- High-transaction work, difficult to be “on fire” all the time
- Give yourself the 40/50% chance for happiness by starting your day with positivity – You control your morning
- Start your week with 15-20 minutes every Sunday looking at your calendar and goals – add time for yourself (workouts, meditation, gratitude journaling, date night, family fun, etc.)
Mind and Body are One
- If one side of the equation is off, the other side is not balanced either
- Get out of your slump – sends a message of lack of confidence
- Practice positive self-talk, strong language patterns
- Purchase Mike’s books on Amazon
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